Jamaica Plain Weekly War Bulletin

The Jamaica Plain Weekly War Bulletin was first published in January 1972 by a small group of people who moved to Jamaica Plain in 1971. The group chose Jamaica Plain after studying census data and deciding that it was the best place in the area to organize a "multiracial movement of the poor."

The Bulletin helped build opposition to the Vietnam War and was distributed free on the streets. Activists associated with the group also ran Second Story, a radical bookstore on Centre St. in the block where Bank of America is now located, and the Jamaica Plain Food Coop on Amory St. CommUnity News was a sister publication of grassroots organizers and later became the publication of City Life/Vida Urbana, a tenants' rights group that continues to exist today. CommUnity News was a monthly bilingual community newspaper that covered local housing struggles as well as international, labor, and cultural news.
Read samples of the two publications on Digital Commonwealth.

Charlie Rosenberg