Posts tagged Memoir
Paul Callahan

Growing a thriving business while enjoying a satisfying career and building an impeccable reputation in Jamaica Plain, Paul Callahan never forgot his faith and his responsibilities in living it. Callahan’s Men’s Shops served thousands of Roxbury and Jamaica Plain customers, including several prominent politicians and sports figures, through The Great Depression, the war years and the post-war social upheavals in Boston. 

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Dorothy Meyer Remembers Arboretum Heights

n a 2012 interview, the late Dorothy Meyer recalled some of the highlights of a lifetime in Jamaica Plain: a one-room school, cows grazing in her neighborhood, mayors, governors, cabinet members, presidents, five-star generals, a duke and duchess, a future Pope, a December 7th Pearl Harbor hero, and a German Zeppelin just hours before crashing, were some of those memories of Arboretum Heights and the world at large from the same Lila Road house in Jamaica Plain. 

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The Father of Forest Hills

ynonymous with Forest Hills and all that pertains to the welfare of that place is the name of Richard E. Cochran, more generally known to the residents of the West Roxbury District as “Uncle Dick”.  Aside from being its most public-spirited citizen, he also enjoys the distinction of having resided in that place for a longer period than any other person.

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