Posts tagged event video
A Boston Harbor Islands Adventure (Event Video)

A talk by Stephanie Schorow and volunteers from the Friends of the Boston Harbor Islands on A Boston Harbor Island Adventure: the Great Brewster Journal of 1891. In July 1891, four intrepid women from Lowell, Massachusetts, set off for Great Brewster Island in Boston Harbor for an adventure they would remember all their lives. Calling themselves “the Merrie Trippers,” the women created a journal of their 17-day sojourn with entries, illustrations and photographs. But they did not include their names. In an illustrated lecture Schorow explores the journal’s discovery, its intriguing entries and photographs, and how volunteer researchers managed to identify the writers. Some of the volunteers read excerpts.

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Mapping Places From Above (Event Video)

A talk by Emily Bowe of the Leventhal Map Center about the the Boston Public Library’s remarkable collection of approximately 500 bird’s-eye view maps from the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. How were these maps produced? How accurate are they? What sorts of historical information can we learn from them? Join Emily for a deep dive on bird’s-eye view maps of Boston, mapmaking techniques and more.

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